"Hello ... Hi ... It is me -- AGAIN ... and I want you to learn even more :-)"
... Oh fcuk ... my mind is already blown ... what MORE?
Why you hate me?
Well, because I was where you are (few years and kids back) I know, that you want to play the fucking game! Thats reasoning, behind starting with THE WAY OF GUNZ!
I threw on you some order of modifications from Quick Play which should allow you to play without any excessive ammount of stress or feelings that you are toy of somebody, who has no fucking life, and s(he) spend last 25 years in the Arena, grinding that shit out for every single day;
Hell yeah and he is basically guarding 101 ELO in Ranked DUEL to hunt poor novices; because - obviously - his balls are too small for him to play at proper level and ... he is fucking looser ... bitch! :-)
As you advanced from Instagib, Unholy Trinity and Impulse9 to Deathmatch, I tryed to explain to you metrics, that are connected to all of the goodies you find in the Arena and so THE WAY OF CONTROL! was created.
Control over Items allows you to expand your dominance in the arena and with proper collection of Weapons, you have all the tools necessary to guard that fagile sense of power over Arena at the moment.
Power, that can be taken from you within few seconds.
Welcome to THE WAY OF MIND!
All things above, can be somehow called mechanics and they are baseline from which you can expand. Without them, you dont trully understand the game, its challenges and laws - as a result of missing foundations, you might suffer more, than it is really nessesary. Because, believe it or not, some suffering is always included in game of Quake.
Quake Champions - and AFPS in general - are not some conjurer of cheap tricks. There is true struggle involved and you feel sense of satisfaction when you achieve some progress. You dont level your ingame character, you are leveling yourself!
This is the most terrible and also most beautifull thing about Quake.
It is terrible for everybody, who never played this type of game before or lack those foundations, because they often found themselves in bad spot (They go directly to DUEL or DEATHMATCH) and they get theirs asses steam rolled - call this game shit and start another round of Battle Royale - where they can jump out of flying bus or whatever, land safely and then hide behind the trees praying that they are not first to be killed.
Once you have mechanics under your skin and you know where and WHEN the major items are, you are venturing somehow safely into the Arena and try to control next item in a row.
Once you have weapons to your will and know how and when to use them, you are prepared for new challenges that awaits you in the Arenas.
Once you grasp speed that can be achieved in the Arena, you are no longer suprised not knowing what and from which direction hit you.
Well, yeah, most of the time you know ... :-)
First of all, you want to know where you are heading and where does your heart is - and it could change day by day - given circumstances in your life, and nobody force you to play high demanding modifications all the time.
Iam not saying that you should pick one of two, or three categories and dont learn at all - main idea behind those categories of players is that you find one, that suits you and where you dont feel that much preassure on yourself, where you have most fun and where you enjoy the game - because that is most important - you deserve to have fun. It only depends on you, where that fun is for you.
I will throw myself as example
My name is
Pavel "Hawr1x" Kymla and Iam playing Quake since Quake World - starting about 1997.
My biggest achievements in Quake was Qualifiing from Open Brackets in Quake Live tournament to Ro64 at QuakeCon 2008 and being owned by Shane in Quake 4 at QuakeCon 2007.
Probably as a revenge for almost being arrested for visiting id Software offices un-invited and jumping out of the car on one of lead programmers of that company ... hype was real bois and girls :-)
Still, I dont know, if this counts as an achievement...
I always love Quake series and because of that I decided to went in direction of coverage, news and analytics - as my mechanics are making me Guardian of Silver League - The ultimate Final Boss :-)) and Iam kind of lazy to put 121% of my thinking into the game as I use it as a relaxation - BUT - I FUCKING LOVE QUAKE! and I enjoy to drive that Anarki in the arenas with sense of absolute freedom to be destroyed ... or frag my opponent.
And yes, I kind of did my fair share of travelling to loads of LANs to settle down and open The Quake Pub ... obviously to solve my non existant midlife crysis.
That being said, Iam in that FUN category, and I would never changed anything that I experienced thanks to Quake.
If you want to play Quake Champions for fun, and dont want to think that much about it, you are basically good to go.
You might eventually try to work on your movement and try different champions on the rooster. I kind of avoided movement at all, because telling you ...
... move your mouse in preciselly 13.37° clockwise,
hit right strafe + jump and than slowly move mouse counter-clockwise for 1.01s in angle of 100.01° until you land ...
... seems like waste of time for everybody.
If you want to work on your movement - and I repeat, that you dont need to in this level of engagement and your set goals, I would like to offer you few guides from members if Quake Family.
If you dont want to actively learn, dont worry, you will learn how to move quicker sooner of later just by playing, as you get physics of the game to your hand.
You can play all the Quick Plays, and with knowledge you obtained in previous 2 Chapters, only thing you need to do is to tell your friends about Quake, drag them into Family and learn them how to play Team modifications - coz more friends, more fun.
If you really want to spice it up, or concentrate on some activities, you will find some Seasonal Challanges in Quake Champions and collect dem Icons, Plates and specific models of your guns.
BTW because Iam lazy, I have created CHALLENGES TRACKER - tool that allows me to filter challenges by modification Iam playing, battle pass bounded or free and gun dependant.
As I have account on this page, I can click off finished, so they no longer appear on the list - I have that page opened on my phone, so I can quickly add my achievements - as sometimes ... Iam able to complete as much as two in one go! :-P
Have Fun & See you in the Arenas
Welcome to the Family <3
Let me start with that movement I promissed to bois and girls that want to play for fun. There are some great guides in the community and here are few examples how bois approach beauty of Quake Champions movement.
QC MOVEMENT by ![]() |
FASTER CPM Movement by ![]() |
MOVE LIKE A PRO by ![]() |
From the beginning. by ![]() |
Shortly said, there are four types of movements in Quake Champions, you have classical strafe jumping (Majority of Champions), you can play with air control (Anarki and Sorlag) or use sliding (Slash, Strogg & Peeker) to control your movement, and then there are double directional charges (UT movement of Clutch - Movement Guide by RAISY.).
There are three other subcategories for strafe jumping champions and they are wall-jump (Nyx), double-jump (DOOM Slayer) and ramp-jumps (Athena - Reaching Higher Ground by FlukkzMedia)
If you want more from Quake Champions, you need to learn those types of movement, starting with classical strafe jumping. Being profound in movement will allow you to get on position faster, and with higher precision, and in Quake, every second matters.
It can be difference between life and death.
There is second side to this mantra. If you know abilities of champions and how fast they can be, where they can cut corners and use advantages of Champion specific movement, you are not suprised by the opponents moves.
You expect them and you are prepared for charge.
Patience and Concentration |
First skill you need to learn is Patience, many players are loosing theirs temper and concentration in mids of battle and they feel preasure to push theirs opponent real hard. That constant urge of pressing that forward button to enjoy the speed and adrenaline that Quake offers you.
But, my friend, Quake is a bitch,
and that reckless move is all that your
opponent might need to unleash hell upon you.
With patience, Concentration is another virtue, you are looking for - you want to be most of the time concentrated on game itself, and perfecting of your movement, timing and coverage of Arena thanks to your Weapons.
You need to be concentrated on your own stack, how much damage you will survive and how much ammo you have for your wapons, as being without means of defence and offence can be crucial.
You dont want to hear that click of empty Magazine!
You need to be able to realise that it is time to go back for Major Item you have timing on, or realise, that you already lost position on it, and you cant challenge it. That pushing further will only put you back to stoneage.
At that point, it is vital to stay calm and try not to loose your mind, as there is probably alot of time, to get back to your game and swing it back to your side.
Planning and Awareness |
Another major skill of player is Awareness, you need to be fully submerged in game if you want to achieve higher level of performance in Quake. You get into state of mind, where weapon switch, movement and timing of items is like breathing for you, you even go into the arena with some kind of MASTER PLAN.
You know that after initial respawns in DUEL, your first way will lead you towards one or two weapons of Unholly trinity and at least one major item.
You maybe decided to risk it to get full control right at the start of the map.
You might bet on postponing initial spawn of yours major item in order, to challange second cycle and get that control later.
You camp at position of highly desirable weapon and set trap over there, as you know, that your opponent didnt picked it up yet while maintaining position on yours Major and hopin your opponent will loose patience.
You collect all ammo on the way for weapon, you dont have yet, as you know that collection of it would put you into position, from which it would be tough to get back to restock.
This is all about Planning and self-awareness - but these things are later somehow automated as well, so when I talk about Awareness, Iam thinking about getting into your opponents head in DUEL.
There is base level of Awareness, when you know, that your opponent picked up certain weapons, and have set Items at his disposal. You are roughly aware of his position in the arena, and possible angles he can work with.
You should be able to read your opponent and put him into category of play style - if he likes to play offensive or deffensive, if he is active or passive on items or if probably lean heavily on use one specific weapon.
You should be able to read current position in the Arena, and possible backup roads and items you will have to restock.
Items your opponent works with translates into stack - which tells you, how aggressive he can be and how much damage you need to do in orter to achieve frag.
Weapons will tell you how dangerous and from which distance can damage be inflicted towards you
Opponents play style will tell you how cautious you need to be while traversing the Arena
Position will let you hold certain parts of Arena and items you want to go and control. It helps you to cover some angles you dont need to care about and helps you to pick up specific weapons for defence or offers possible chance of aggresive peek.
Let me cut this article here, let it sink for a moment and we will meet once more in
Good Luck & See you in the Arenas
In first part of this guide, we discussed THE WAY OF GUNZ!
By now, you have probably realised end experienced, how deadly weapons in Quake Champions are, and surviving in such a violent enviornment is challenging.
If you want to poceed in your training in Deathmatch, or Team modifiactions, you will need to learn some more qualities in order to thrive in the Arenas.
In Quake Champions, every Arena provides you with specific set of Items. These collectibles are on set locations and it create points of interest and direct flow of the game.
Items are not created equaly, and some of them are more important, lets call them Major Items. We touched them briefly in THE WAY OF GUNZ! but as repetition is mother of wisdom, lets throw them back after short expansion on Weapons and Ammo Boxes.
Until now - in Instagib, Unholy Trinity and Impulse9 - you were provided with weapons as you started your game and all of them had infinite ammo - but from now on, you are on your own
... yeah, I know ... :-)
With high probability, you played few Deathmatches, so you know that different weapons are scattered in the Arenas.
Weapons are your tools and each of them serve different purpouse. In Quake Champions, there are bunch of them, but 3 are recognised as vital - you know these guns as UNHOLY TRINITY.
Most of the time, you are trying to create route thru Arenas, that will sooner or later leads to posession of all three.
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10 Slugs +5 Ammo Box MAX 25 Magazine |
100 Cells +50 Ammo Box MAX 150 Magazine |
10 Rockets +5 Ammo Box MAX 25 Magazine |
90 DMG | 6 DMG | 100 DMG (Splash 100 -> 10 DMG) |
Hitscan / Long Range | Hitscan / Mid Range | Projectile / Mid Range |
All weapons respawns after 5 seconds in DUEL and 1 second in Public Games, so you should be able to grab one pretty quickly - that also means, that strategy of denying weapons from opponent is forcing you to stay on that location.
When you pick up weapon for the first time, it will add its starting value, with any additional pickup you will restock to that base value. If you are over, you build "over stack" by 1 or 10 extra ammo - depending on weapon - until you reach Maximum size of Magazine.
Most of the Arenas will provide you with Ammo Boxes for each weapon. They are respawning after 20 seconds and they are filling your Magazine with 5 or 50 Ammo - depending on weapon.
Usually, they are on opposite part of played Arena, and allows you to use your weapon without going back to its original spawn.
It would be cool for you to be rougly aware of location of Ammo Boxes at least for guns of Unholy Trinity
In Deathmatch, all Ammo Boxes are Colorless and they will add Ammo for EVERY WEAPON!
Ammo Boxes add its value even if you are not in posession of that weapon! You can pick them prior to collection of your favourite gun.
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10 Bolts +5 Ammo Box MAX 15 Magazine |
100 Bullets + 50 Ammo Box MAX 150 Magazine |
10 Shells +5 Ammo Box MAX 25 Magazine |
100 Nails +50 Ammo Box MAX 150 Magazine |
35 DMG (Splash 35 -> 10 DMG) |
10 DMG (ZOOM 15 DMG) |
125 DMG (25x5 DMG) |
15 DMG (Splash -> 15 DMG) |
Projectile / Mid Range | Hitscan / Long Range | Hitscan / Close Range | Projectile / Mid Range |
Following 4 Weapons are your starting ones.
You are always equipped with Gauntlet, that is your Melee Weapon, you need to be face-to-face with your opponent to damage them. Gauntlet basically replaced Axe from Quake World and it first appeared in Quake III Arena.
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Infinite | 100 Bullets + 50 Ammo Box MAX 150 Magazine |
10 Shells +5 Ammo Box MAX 25 Magazine |
100 Nails +50 Ammo Box MAX 150 Magazine |
75 DMG | 8 DMG | 85 DMG | 10 DMG | |||
From three last, you need to select one and you then have it on your respawn.
Most of the time, Machinegun is used, but lately Shotgun can be seen in hands of fast light champions on small arenas, where they can close that distance between enemies and shoot them into face.
There is still space for experimenting with Nailgun, as damage increase compared to Machinegun is not that big to excuse projectiles that are more demanding on skills to hit them.
by Marco "vengeuR" Ragusa of Myztro Gaming
You can find true Major Items in form of Heavy Armor and Mega Health. Both Items respawns 30 seconds after last pickup, and they are providing +100 points in each respective attributes.
Huge advantage of this items is that they allow you to get values, that are above base stack of each champion.
Both of Majors have its supplementary items in form of Light Armor, and Small Health - but in this case, they are able to help you just to restock on base values of each champion.
Small Health Bubbles respawns twice as fast.
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30s | 30s | RESPAWN | 30s | 15s | ||
+100 AP | +50 AP | BONUS | +100 HP | + 25HP | ||
As I already mentioned, Major items have fixed positions and small podiums indicating precise respawn location. To thrive in the Arenas, you need to learn, where such locations are and return to them - possibly precisely on time as they are respawning.
I would highly advice to check Custom Games or Practise, where you have time to scout and memorise. Start with just Major Items cycle and find all ways connecting them. Later on, try to add Light Armors to that cycle.
You want learn those things and automate them, because you need to concentrate on another things in battle, rather than asking yourself: "Where the hell should I restock now!?"
You should learn shortest routes to each Item.
In each Arena, there is DIFFERENT number of Light Armors and Small Health Bubbles.
If in-game clocks are on 0-30 seconds, add 30
if clocks are at 31-59 - subtract 30
Dont even try to add 30 and recalculate that pass over minute! :-)
Timing is vital mainly in DUEL - there is no indication, when next item will respawn, and because it is just you and your opponent, items mentioned above and its management will became crucial in success.
If you are not sure, when next set of Items will respawn in the arena, try to listen to distinct sounds of pickups of those Items. You dont need to see that item is collected, sound of pickup should trigger that glimpse on in-game clocks.
by Marco "vengeuR" Ragusa of Myztro Gaming
If you played IMPULSE9 or DEATHMATCH, you might have heard about powerups. First spawn of powerups is at fixed time, at 90 seconds after match starts. Then it returns every 2 minutes.
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Boosts all your weapons to deal 4x more damage | Reduce Incoming Damage by 67% |
You are informed by announcer, that powerup is about to be spawned on its position 15 seconds before it will happend, and then when that situation occured.
We have two more items that can occur in the Arena. You have seen first of them right at the start of your journey, in Instagib, and they are called Hourglasses, Cooldowns or Time Shards.
Time Shards respawn in the arena after 30 seconds, so you can incorporate them to your routes from Heavy Armor to Mega Health or back.
They will reduce cooldown of your ability and for some Champions (Mainly Light Ones), they are real important, and should be part of your gameplay.
Time Shards are most of the time placed in positions of defence, and therefore they are one of tools, that gives player out of control get back to arena and took that Major Item cycle.
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Reduce Cooldown of Champions Ability by 10% | Add +5 Armor |
Last Item should be seen more like reward, it does not spawn in the arena, but after each kill you make, three of Armor Shards will fell out of deciesed body of your enemy and it will offer you quick boost to your Armor stack.
This will most likely be usefull for DUEL Practise, where Items matters the most.
Start your map in Team Deathmatch in custom game (You cant start DUEL without opponent), and set timelimit to your pleasure. Explore the Arena and once you feel it, start to call different Weapons and Items in the Arena
and try to find closest way to them.
This topic is so much deeper, and every player makes split second decisions about choosing to challenge items or let them be. You are going to need to decide if you want go for weapons of Unholy trinity, or stay safe with good position where ambushes can be made, but I will try to explan those in THE WAY OF MIND!
Good Luck & See you in the Arenas
If you are new to Quake Champions, you might find it overwhelming experience. Dont worry, every member of Quake Family was at the very same spot as you are. There are so many different qualities, you need to learn - mostly while being shoot at!
This is the way of Quake!
Aim is one of crucial skills you need to learn, in order to survive in the arena. You need to Frag, or you will be fragged - thanks to Gianni Matragrano, this will most likely happend on Friday.
To practice your aim in Quake Champions, I would highly advice to you to start with Instagib in yours Quick Play Queue and add next in the list as you feel more and more sure in the arena...
... or start to feel slightly insane after 20 matches full of uranium slugs flying around your head.
If you are interested in general aim, rather than how I would advice you to proceed with crazy uphill climb, that is in front of you, check this amazing discussion of Av3k,
ins and
Instagib modification will provide you with Rail Gun; crazy weapon with slow rate of fire and terrifying damage that was added by
Tim Willlits to Quake in its 2nd generation.
Some say, that it changed the game forever ... others are not that modest :)
In Instagib, there are no items or weapons in the Arena, so your only concern is stripped to hit your opponent - and try to do that as fast as possible.
With this mode, you can get glimpse of Arenas, scout its topography and find some good places from which you get some good shoots.
You dont need to move that much, just try to incorporate some basic side to side dodging to your gameplay. Jumping is dangerous thing, as being mid-air makes you easy prey.
BTW in Instagib, there is possibllity to switch to your Gauntlet,
melee weapon that - in this modification - kills your foes instantly ;-)
Unholy Trinity will add two new weapons to one, you are well aware from Instagib, first weapon sports continuous stream of electricity, and it is known as Lightning Gun, or Shaft!
This weapon will escalate demands on your aim capabilities as you need to hold your croshair on your opponent with very high precision.
Lightning Gun have quite low damage, but insane rate of fire - so you are trying to hit and correct position of croshair as much as possible. Some players use it in a way, that they follow his opponent not by mouse movement, but by actual movement of theirs Champion while corsshair remains steady.
Instructional Video (LG Tourney by Sea7)
LG is great weapon for mid range and open spaces where you can dodge enemy fire while you try to hold that crosshair on enemy model.
Rocket Launcher, all time favourite since Quake World. This weapon should be used in mid-close distance. Direct Rocket hits for 100HP, but it also have splash radius, so you might see lower numbers from close by explosions. And enemies flying out of epicenter, as it creates shockwave. Sometimes you can even get hurt by yours own rockets, but as you are born lucky, there is no self damage in Unholy Trinity.
RL is used to get your opponent from cover, spam damage on acces points and to create damage barrier, as you disengage from battle to restock. BTW There is no better feeling than hitting that rocket while your enemy is flying midair.
This is how The Queen does it!
In Unholy Trinity, Major Items are Introduced in form of Heavy Armor and Light Armor, as well as Mega Health. Again, you are lucky, as in Quick Play game modifications, Quake Champions will let you know when next item is available for you to grab - check that white circle filling slowly up.
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Major items have fixed positions, as any other item in the Arenas and respawns 30s after last pickup. They are essential part of DUEL for example.
So, should you put them into yours calculations right now? I guess there is not that much need for it as you are on the start or your way, but I will return to this topics in separate article.
BUT ... if you find some of those on your way thru battlefield, try to remember its locations, pick them up and get slowly into habit of checking your timer.
If in-game clocks are on 0-30 seconds, add 30
if clocks are at 31-59 - subtract 30
Dont even try to add 30 and recalculate that pass over minute! :-)
Impulse 9 have pretty much same rule set as Unholy Trinity,
but you are introduced to ALL WEAPONS that Quake Champions has to offer.
More guns, more fun, ey?
Tri-bolt! This is brand new weapon to Quake series, and it is replacing Grenade Launcher. Tri-bolt shoots three projectiles, that sticks to point of impact or explode midair after certain time. You will hate this weapon for quite a long time, until you fell deeply and madly in love with it and you will search for.
It is great weapon, that allows you to control Arena; control narrow hallways leading towards point of interest and anoy your opponents with constant - most of the time misjudged damage.
Heavy Machinegun was starting weapon in Quake 3 Arena, it replaced Pistol from Quake 2 and Boomstick of Quake World.
It is hitscan weapon, that allows you to rain havoc from far far away. It has some spread, but if you are willing to cut fire rate in favour of damage, you can use ZOOM MODE.
Super Shotgun, that is basically your instant Rocket Launcher for real close distance.
It is effective companion in the Arenas. If you find yourself real close to your opponent in the midst of battle, Shotgun into face is way to go. On the other hand, sometimes it might deal that last damage you need to kill your opponent, as he is leaving the room.
Super Nailgun - replaced by Plasma Gun in Quake 3
Projectile weapon, that is true hero in narrow corridors or in places, where opponents are stucked together. It is inflicting self damage, if you are face-to-face with wall - or enemy.
With this weapon - same as when you are using Rocket Launcher for longer distances - you need to learn and predict movement of your opponents. In defensive play, it is used when you are backing up, and your enemy is chasing you from doorways and close quarters.
... but wait, there is more ...
With Deathmatch, everything changes and it step up the level of your involvement, you probably know arenas right now, you are somehow aware, that there are some Major Items, as well as HP Bubbles. The heck, you even might have found Hourglasses and if you picked them by accident, you realised that it reduced timer of yours Champions Ultimate Ability.
At this point you need to learn spawn positions of weapons,
as you are thrown in the Arena with just starting weapon.
Shut up Hawr1x .... Yeah, well, no kidding.
Last Three weapons I mentioned while talking about Impulse 9 are variants of weapons, you find in the Arena, but all three of them have "younger siblings" and once you choose one, it is unique for you while you run and breathe. If happy accident happends to you, and you are about to be respawned, you can CHANGE IT.
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Machinegun | Shotgun | Nailgun |
How to pick up your starting weapon is on your own preference,
you might find it champion dependant and also arena specific.
I would advice to go with Machinegun and pierce em all ... and later experiment with others.
Good Luck & See you in the Arenas